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What Am I Up To? Danika 984 views

What’s Going On Now?

In March, I wrote my first ever post keeping up with my day to day life. I enjoyed writing it quite a bit and in that post, I mentioned it’s something I would like to continue to do going forward. Today, I’ve decided enough has happened in my life to write about my experiences again! So, what have I been up to…?

Working From Home

Another wave of restrictions has been set in motion and my boss decided it would be best for all of us to work from home as much as possible until they’ve relaxed once again. I’ve only worked for this company for a couple short months, so my work-from-home experience feels pretty unique.

I have been given a set of brand new responsibilities since working from home and taking them on has been interesting, since I can’t just shout out any questions I have as I go so it feels a lot more like I’m taking them on all by myself. I’m still learning the company, let alone the work, so being at home has truly been a test of what I’m capable of. I have been home for about a week and a half and I’m proud of myself for how well I’ve been managing.

My Oodie has become my uniform, and my couch has become my desk. I use my personal lap top as a mouse pad so I don’t have to rely on the track pad of my work lap top, as it would hinder efficiency. I’ve been given a bulky Sonim phone that’s void of a touch screen as my work phone, and the whole reason why this phone was chosen is because it has a walkie-talkie feature – that I haven’t used once!

While saving money on gas and sleeping in the mornings for a little while longer has been wonderful, I genuinely love the people I work with, so in that aspect, working from home is kind of sad! Somehow, I managed to work for a company with outstanding employees – there isn’t a weak link or a personality I clash with. In that way, it will be exciting to return to the office once the restrictions have relaxed. I’ll miss the money I’ve been saving on gas, but it’s a fair trade to be surrounded by amazing people every day.

Motorcycle Stuff

A couple weekends ago, my boyfriend, Corey helped me tail tuck my motorcycle. I replaced the bulky signal lights on the rear with an integrated tail light and the back of my FZ6 now appears satisfyingly tidy. Next, I have some new signal lights to install at the front and I’m excited to see how beautiful my bike looks altogether once that has been completed. I’m makin’ her mine. 🙂

Yesterday was supposed to be my first ride of the season. In a disappointing turn of events, I still have to wait a little while longer… See, back in January when I registered my vehicle for the year, I fully intended to register my motorcycle at the same time. I handed the girl behind the counter my insurance for both my Kia and my Yamaha, and after click-clacking around on the computer, the girl told me that my registration for my bike doesn’t expire until May, and she recommended that I wait to do it then. With no reason to doubt the woman who’s job it was to register motor vehicles, I took her advice. Yesterday, after gearing up and waiting for my turn to ride, I learned that listening to her was a dumb thing to do – my registration expired at the end of January, just the same as my car. Obviously – that’s how things work, but it’s her job to know these things and I trusted her. I felt very let down.

Davon, my sister, realized that her motorcycle wasn’t registered either – it expired at the same time mine did. However, she wasn’t given false information like I was, she just simply forgot. Honestly, if I were in the same boat as her, I think I would have been less upset because the fault would be entirely mine, but the fact that I had fully intended to register my bike back then and decided not to because of advice that I was given makes it so much worse. I was so excited to go out yesterday – it’s all I’ve been able to think about since last season.

Davon and I are going to go out in about an hour to go register our motorcycles. This will be the last time I will be disappointed after getting my hopes up this season – mark my words!

Davon’s boyfriend, Michael took me on a short scoot on the back of his bike yesterday, so at the very least, I can say that I was on a motorcycle yesterday. Not in the way I had wished to be, but I’ll certainly take it. Corey says he will take me out to a parking lot on the next nice day so I can practice and find comfort on my bike once again. Of course, that day isn’t today or tomorrow – yesterday was the last nice day for a little while. Isn’t that just how things go?

Michael & I Holding Hands

Yesterday, before I discovered the whole registration ordeal, as I anticipated my first ride of the season, I felt a wave of nervousness. I have little practice under my belt and realizing I was going to be on that machine again, and soon, drove a rush of emotions through me! I’m very nervous about dropping my bike. I dropped my little CBR a few times when I began learning and my FZ6 is a much bigger beast. I also care about it a heck of a lot more so my little heart will break if I end up dropping it. My primary focus when I finally get to the parking lot will be working on smoothing my stops to perfection so that hopefully, I’m able to avoid that heavy sadness that will consume me if she falls over. Cross your fingers for me!!


Ahh, yes, I mentioned in the last post I made like this that I was feeling a little bit emotional. Writing for my blog has opened gates for deep conversations and that is something I didn’t expect when I first began this journey all the way back in September. I suppose I should have seen it coming; a lot of my posts deal with some heavy content and my cozy corner of the internet has become a place where I have allowed myself to be tremendously vulnerable, still, I didn’t realize how much I would be opening myself up to discussion and… bonding. It seems that this place has made people I care about more comfortable with opening up to me. Personal matters are finding room for conversation that didn’t exist before. It has been a lot to process and I’ve found myself worried about falling down once or twice… Sometimes, it seems that the path ahead of me feels difficult to navigate again and sometimes, I feel ambushed by worry or guilt. Still, I’m unbelievably grateful for it all. In an unexpected turn of events, I’ve given myself more room to grow than I had even realized I needed. I’ve been able to provide multiple paths that could potentially lead to closure for others that I had simply been unable to give before. I’ve been able to strengthen relationships and I’ve been able to distribute a lot of good where before, I didn’t even know that I could. I suspect that it will be a long while before I see the end of this journey. I suspect that I may even fall down once or twice along the way. I believe that more heartache and grief is in store for me in the future, but I trust that a newfound sensation of feeling whole will follow shortly after. I already know I have a wonderful foundation that is more concrete than it has ever been before so while I still worry, I’m also excited to see where I wind up. I’m tackling a lot in terms of personal growth and more and more, I am becoming the version of myself that I love the most and am the most proud of. If you’ve been here a while, you understand how important that is for me.

Most of all, recently, I’ve discovered a more profound value of honesty. I think that this is probably going to be a topic of discussion soon on my main blog – the way honesty is framed for me now has changed drastically in the last little while, especially in terms of how we’re taught to value it when we are young. With this newfound appreciation for honesty, I fully believe I will be less capable of making detrimental mistakes as I journey further through my life. Well, with the combination of that and the self respect I have built for myself in the last five or so years. I am a much better and a much happier person overall, and I’m finally filling the shoes ten-year-old me would have wanted me to wear. After all, this has always been the goal. In fact, the entire point of all of this is because of how desperately I want everyone to find their way here, too.


On Friday, we celebrated my good friend, Kelsey’s birthday. Corey’s sister, and Davon’s best friend since Kindergarten. Our little group is very tight-knit!

Kelsey is a wonderful human being who deserves so much good. She is the kind of friend who is always ready for you to bawl on her couch when life becomes too heavy. She is a snack provider, a gift giver and a soul fulfiller. Her laugh is unbelievably contagious and her sense of humor is somehow, even funnier than her laugh. She is a tiny bundle of glowing warmth and I can not even begin to describe just how much I appreciate her. Most of all, I hope she recognizes and values her worth as much as everyone that loves her does.

To celebrate her birthday, we had drinks around a fire which really made summertime begin to feel present. As the night carried on, we went inside to play Air Pictionary – a game our group of six had only played once before, and a game I highly recommend for anyone to play with the people they love!

Originally, I saw Air Pictionary sitting on a shelf at the convenience store and it taunted me for weeks. I could see the value in the game immediately and I knew it would be a lot of fun with my friends. Air Pictionary (which I think should be Piction-Air-y) is, of course, Pictionary, with a twist. The game comes with a wand that connects to your TV. The person drawing must face away from the TV and draw the objects on the card they drew in the air. The team of the person drawing must guess what the drawer is trying to portray based on what appears on the television screen. It’s a riot!

Leave your Guesses in the Comments!

Yesterday, a few of us gave birthday gifts to Michael too, as his birthday is coming up on Tuesday. I believe we are officially celebrating his birthday next weekend, and I’m looking forward to it.

I’ve gotten to know Michael over the last nine years. He has been a perfect partner for Davon and he has grown into someone I care endlessly for. He is well-rounded, confident, and compassionate – though you might not recognize that last one as being true right away. He is a leader. He has always been someone I trust for advice and while his opinion seems to develop more rapidly than most, his instincts are usually correct and his opinions are those that I value – even if I don’t always completely agree. He is also fun. He is the type that is always ready for thrill and he has been a wonderful contributor to creating good memories for me over the last decade. I am always excited to get to spend time with him and always hopeful that something fun with him is coming around the next corner. I love him, and I’m incredibly fortunate that I get to have him as a part of my life.

Anyway, that’s the update! I hope you enjoy these reads as much as I enjoy writing them. It’s a fun break away from the usual deep dives into human emotion and experience! Until next time, friends. ♡


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