Tag: wellness

two minute read Two Minute Reads

Share Something With Someone

Today, I would like to encourage you to be vulnerable. Don’t worry – I’m not asking you to be terribly vulnerable, this is just a little practice and it shouldn’t weigh heavy on you! I want you to share something silly or embarrassing with someone today. Something you’ve done that you’re not sure how it will be received. Not anything […]

Danika666 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Replace your P’s and Q’s

I come to you today with a challenge. For today only, I challenge you to change your vocabulary with these three words & phrases:   Instead of please, today, say “I would love,” “allow me,” or “will you.”   “I would love to try…” “Allow me to show you…” “Will you pass me the salt?”   Wherever possible, use verbs to describe […]

Danika567 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Stop Putting Your Life Off

Let me ask you something: how many of the things that you want to do and aren’t doing come with a prerequisite? “I will do this if…” “I will start this when…” If this applies to most or all of the things you wish to begin or continue, I have bad news for you: you’re your obstacle. Likely, something else inside of you is burdening you […]

Danika376 views
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Life Is Funny Sometimes

03.23.22 • Lost My Job • Rebuilding My Blog • Job Hunting • Kitty Friend •  I was let go from my job a couple of weeks ago. I’m pretty devastated; it was the best job I have ever had. I think I’m going to miss that place for a long while yet… It’s been weird to have so much time off, though. I can’t […]

Danika632 views
It Gets Better...