Today, I want you to smile. Yeah… It does get more specific than that. I want you to see how often you can smile at someone else today. Whether it be the guy at the next pump at the gas station, the family at the table across from you at the restaurant, the strangers that pass you by, or the bartender you’re waiting on, […]
Tag: weekly challenge
Are you ready for another not-so-easy challenge? You’re going to have to face your guilt, shame, and/or remorse for this one… I want you to think of a time you were in the wrong. Dig deep, sift through your life carefully, and find a moment you’re not proud of. Once you have decided on the memory to face, I want […]
I understand that you may not be able to implement today’s challenge into your work or school life, but wherever applicable, I wish for you to try following your impulses to take a break. As you go about your daily activities, whenever you begin to notice yourself becoming distracted, unfocused, bored, overwhelmed, or burnt out by the task at hand, […]