Tag: value

two minute read Two Minute Reads

Dress A Little Nicer

Today’s challenge is pretty self-explanatory All I need for you to do is to put just a little more effort into your appearance today than you typically would. Pull out those dangly earrings or that expensive watch, add glitter to your cheekbones or choose to wear a tie. Paint your toenails, or style your beard. Wear your good jeans or that brand new skirt, […]

Danika1340 views
It Gets Better...
peer pressure Thoughts & Ponders

I Don’t Give Into Peer Pressure

Hop into my time machine for a second, I’ll dust off the seat for you. Let’s go back to middle school for a moment. I know, universally the worst period of time to return to, but bear with me. You’re sitting in a horribly uncomfortable plastic chair. Your desk is crumbling at the corners with profanities carved in at the […]

Danika8903 views
It Gets Better...