Tag: two minute read

two minute read Two Minute Reads

Engage Your Senses

Let’s take a moment away from your buzzing thoughts, endless mindless scrolling, or cluttered atmosphere before your return. Place the world on pause with me – I won’t take much of your time. Listen closely to the space around you – find the quietest, subtle sound that exists. Let it captivate your attention for a minute. Are you able to […]

Danika522 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Stop Putting Your Life Off

Let me ask you something: how many of the things that you want to do and aren’t doing come with a prerequisite? “I will do this if…” “I will start this when…” If this applies to most or all of the things you wish to begin or continue, I have bad news for you: you’re your obstacle. Likely, something else inside of you is burdening you […]

Danika428 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Give Today its Best Chance

While you can’t predict whether the day will be good or bad, you have some choice. While you may not have control over when the bad comes or how terrible it will be, you can create good – and good can act as armor so the impact of the bad isn’t, well… so bad. The more good you can create, […]

Danika1268 views
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Finding Balance

04.03.22 • Live Music • Laptop Issues • A cool thing happened last night – Two of my friends who I worked with nearly a decade ago are both in separate bands, and they were playing at the same venue last night! Rarely do I get to see them both play on the same night, so I was elated to […]

Danika1653 views
It Gets Better...