Tag: two minute read

two minute read Two Minute Reads

10 Minutes for Personal Care

Take an extra ten minutes to tend to your hygiene today.  Don’t rush through washing your face. Lather the soap tenderly and carefully trace the bubbles around your cheekbones, across your forehead, and along your jaw. Let the warm water run along the bridge of your nose and pour off your chin into the sink. Maybe warm the towel you […]

Danika1546 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Flip A Coin

Are you ready to experience the vulnerability that comes with the unpredictable?  Today, I come to you with a bold challenge. Flip a coin to make your decisions today. You may not be willing to determine every decision on a coin flip, but challenge yourself to see how many decisions you can make that way. Just for today, allow chance to lead […]

Danika1419 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Practice What You’ve Been Neglecting

Do you have something in your life that you’re supposed to regularly practice? Maybe an instrument, a sport, a skill… Have you been maintaining a regular practice routine? If you haven’t, don’t worry – me too. It can be difficult to find the time, energy, or discipline to keep up with the practice you’re supposed to do. Let today be […]

Danika809 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Tiny Gratitude

I want to talk about what you’re grateful for today. Hang on – I want to be more specific…  If you’ve already had something significant and wonderful that happened today that immediately came to mind when you read the first sentence, I don’t want that thing to be your answer. If you feel you have nothing yet to be grateful […]

Danika531 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Do What You Can Today

What did you tell yourself yesterday that you would do today? Did you promise too much? Do you feel overwhelmed by it, and perhaps – is it burdening you from starting? That’s okay. We’re often far too ambitious when we don’t have to do something right now. It’s easy to pile too much on when we don’t have to get […]

Danika468 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Challenge An Opinion

Today, I would like for you to challenge an opinion you stand rigidly in. Whether it be personal, political, religious, or social, I want you to choose a belief or a value you hold firmly, and I want you to play the devil’s advocate, and debate yourself on whatever it may be. You can choose to research the opposing perspective or […]

Danika536 views
It Gets Better...