Tag: today’s challenge

two minute read Two Minute Reads

Yes, And…

If you’ve ever partaken in theatre, improv, or film, you may be familiar with “Yes, And…” The notion is used in improvised situations as a foundation to allow the performers the best and most building blocks to pull from to forward and create the scene. It means to accept and add to whatever offer you were given. Otherwise, it would […]

Danika1230 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Talk to Your Reflection

Today’s challenge isn’t an easy one, and it will require a lot of strength to participate.  When you have an opportunity, I would like for you to have a conversation with yourself in a mirror. Look yourself in the eye and ask yourself what you want; what you wish for, what your goals are, and what map you’ve laid out […]

Danika1170 views
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two minute read Two Minute Reads

Flip Your Phone Around

Today, the first time someone sparks a conversation with you while you are perusing your phone, I want you to try this experiment: When they first acknowledge you, respond how you naturally would. Maybe that looks like glancing up from your phone and holding it, still, in your hand, or placing it beside you, or maybe putting it in your […]

Danika381 views
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two minute read Two Minute Reads

Capture Your Day

Today, I want you to document your day through photos. Take a picture of every experience you have – the meals you eat, the objects you see that intrigue you, the doors you walk through, the way you organize the things you have to do on your desk… Capture as much as you can as you go throughout the day.  Maybe, […]

Danika313 views
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two minute read Two Minute Reads

Give Yourself A Break

Today, I want you to give yourself a break. Mindfully.  I want to plan out your break; select a chunk of time for it, and block it into your calendar. Select a time you know you have the highest likelihood of successfully enjoying your break within. Prepare for your break – ask for any necessary favors to allow your break […]

Danika484 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Reach Out To an Old Friend

Today, I want you to reach out to someone from your past. Someone you haven’t spoken to for years, someone that means a great deal to you. Send them a message. Tell them about how and why you value them or remind them of a memory you shared with them and provide as much detail as you can recall. Tell […]

Danika600 views
It Gets Better...