Tag: mental wellness

purple hair Thoughts & Ponders

I Don’t Understand.

My dad is a wonderful conversationalist. He listens intently, is an adaptive interpreter, and is quick to fill space with witty quips that never fail to crack a smile. Sometimes, unexpectedly, he will offer an idea that provokes intense and elaborate thought. Often, the ideas he shares with me stick in my head for many years, help to shape my […]

Danika10332 views
It Gets Better...
morning coffee Thoughts & Ponders

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

I am always aiming to uphold my integrity, (another one of those values taught to me by my dad) but it is not an easy feat. There have been many instances throughout my life where I have struggled to upkeep it, or I had simply lost my way. I decided I needed something to refer to when I found the […]

Danika9244 views
It Gets Better...
magic pink pony Thoughts & Ponders

Practice Being Happy

We are often told to be happy, but we are never told how to go about it. “Just choose to” is something that is said commonly, and it makes it sound like the choice to be happy is like flicking a switch. If you have lived for any amount of time, you know that just is not the case. It […]

Danika9484 views
It Gets Better...