Tag: have good habits

fulfill your day Thoughts & Ponders

Fulfill Your Day

What happens when we get sad? Often, we find ourselves in a rut. When we sink into a state of melancholy, too often, we develop habits of cycling though mediocre days that eventually become our new state of normal. The longer we exist here for, the harder it is to break free from. We convince ourselves that change is too […]

Danika8735 views
It Gets Better...
hindsight is 2020 Warm & Fuzzies

I Will Not Fail My New Years Resolution.

Ahhh, it’s that time again. A count down at midnight will transition us all into a brand-new year. With that, as we have many times before, many of us will make large and foolish promises to ourselves that we intend to keep for the next three hundred and sixty-five days. Most of us will not be able to keep the […]

Danika5623 views
It Gets Better...