Tag: happiness

two minute read Two Minute Reads

Give Today its Best Chance

While you can’t predict whether the day will be good or bad, you have some choice. While you may not have control over when the bad comes or how terrible it will be, you can create good – and good can act as armor so the impact of the bad isn’t, well… so bad. The more good you can create, […]

Danika1259 views
It Gets Better...
danika's memory box weekly updates What Am I Up To?

Life Is Funny Sometimes

03.23.22 • Lost My Job • Rebuilding My Blog • Job Hunting • Kitty Friend •  I was let go from my job a couple of weeks ago. I’m pretty devastated; it was the best job I have ever had. I think I’m going to miss that place for a long while yet… It’s been weird to have so much time off, though. I can’t […]

Danika782 views
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relationship Warm & Fuzzies

A Year In Love, (& A Sappy Title.)

Today marks the first-year anniversary of my relationship and so today, I would really like to talk about how wonderful this last year has been for me – pandemic aside. I suppose the best place to begin is with our beginning. I’ve known Corey for years; we attended the same schools and he was a grade above me. His sister […]

Danika6196 views
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magic pink pony Thoughts & Ponders

Practice Being Happy

We are often told to be happy, but we are never told how to go about it. “Just choose to” is something that is said commonly, and it makes it sound like the choice to be happy is like flicking a switch. If you have lived for any amount of time, you know that just is not the case. It […]

Danika9425 views
It Gets Better...