two minute read
Two Minute Reads Danika 967 views


Today, I want you to smile.

Yeah… It does get more specific than that.

I want you to see how often you can smile at someone else today. Whether it be the guy at the next pump at the gas station, the family at the table across from you at the restaurant, the strangers that pass you by, or the bartender you’re waiting on, see how often you can mindfully remember to smile at the people you wander by throughout your day. 

See how big you can convince yourself to smile.

Challenge yourself to hold eye contact for just a second longer as you do. 

Notice how this impacts your daily experience. Do you feel comfortable wearing that smile and sharing it with a total stranger? Does your confidence grow the more you practice? What makes you feel uncomfortable about it? How are they responding – what is their body language when they notice your smile? Are the uncomfortable moments outweighed by the satisfying ones, or is it the other way around? Are you more aware of the people around you as you practice this, or do you notice a difference at all?

Give it a chance – just for today. See how often you can share a smile.


Pigs Fly Here.

Alright... Looks like today, I will be wearing my grin! Share on X

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2 thoughts on “Smile

  1. Greg Johnson

    Love this! I think I may be a bit of an empath. This is my natural default. Strangers and knowns are all just uniquely interesting human folk navigating through this complex mystery called life. Smiles can help.

    1. Danika

      What a delightfully warm comment! Smiles certainly can… Thank you so much!!

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