I was bullied quite a bit growing up. I have always had a full imagination, fearless self expression, and the confidence to allow my personality to shine bright. These traits were always encouraged at home, but they were not received well by other kids. Kids can be cruel. I was the weird one. I stuck out and it took no […]
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We have all heard it said before: “there are two kinds of people…” Sometimes it’s used to try and drive a point, and sometimes it’s used for comedic appeal. My favorite rendition of this phrase to date is this: “There are two kinds of people; those who believe that there are two kinds
A popular idea that has been making its rounds in modern culture and media is Main Character Energy. In the Urban Dictionary, this is described as such: A person that unintentionally lives, breathes, and acts like the protagonist in a story or series This light-hearted caption, hashtag, or
I was bullied quite a bit growing up. I have always had a full imagination, fearless self expression, and the confidence to allow my personality to shine bright. These traits were always encouraged at home, but they were not received well by other kids. Kids can be cruel. I was the weird one. I
My dad is a wonderful conversationalist. He listens intently, is an adaptive interpreter, and is quick to fill space with witty quips that never fail to crack a smile. Sometimes, unexpectedly, he will offer an idea that provokes intense and elaborate thought. Often, the ideas he shares with me
We are often told to be happy, but we are never told how to go about it. “Just choose to” is something that is said commonly, and it makes it sound like the choice to be happy is like flicking a switch. If you have lived for any amount of time, you know that just is not the case. It
I am always aiming to uphold my integrity, (another one of those values taught to me by my dad) but it is not an easy feat. There have been many instances throughout my life where I have struggled to upkeep it, or I had simply lost my way. I decided I needed something to refer to when I found the
Picture this: something horrible just happened to you. You turn to your family and friends for some advice or just some comfort, and what do they say? “Time heals all wounds.” “Things will get better.” “Tomorrow is brighter.” You roll your eyes. You know they are just trying to help
Hop into my time machine for a second, I’ll dust off the seat for you. Let’s go back to middle school for a moment. I know, universally the worst period of time to return to, but bear with me. You’re sitting in a horribly uncomfortable plastic chair. Your desk is crumbling at the
What happens when we get sad? Often, we find ourselves in a rut. When we sink into a state of melancholy, too often, we develop habits of cycling though mediocre days that eventually become our new state of normal. The longer we exist here for, the harder it is to break free from. We convince
The story I’m about to share is about one of the most incredible, unimaginable experiences of my life. Grade nine was a tremendously pivotal period of my life for a number of reasons. In the beginning of the ninth grade, I was very alone. The school I attended was for students from kindergarten
Hi, I'm Danika, welcome to my website! On my blog, (this page here,) you will find personal stories from my life & ideas on how to live better! Find your way through the categories, the menu from the top, and the side menu for two minute reads, short fictional stories, advice & more! Stay a while & explore, I'm happy you're here.
If you have any more questions, I'm sure they will be answered in Introduction, which you can find at the top of this page.
My dad has taught me some of the most interesting lessons and morals in my lifetime, and on occasion, a select few of them will come back to me like they are on a roster in my brain, peering their little heads from time-to-time to remind me of Dad’s thoughts and wisdom. Yesterday afternoon was the last time one of […]
Today, we are gonna take a minute to look back on my driving history and laugh at my expense. My friends like to poke fun at me and say that I am a bad driver because of the trail of crumpled aluminum I have left behind me, but – while I know I am no Danica Patrick, if you pay […]
Remember dial-up internet? I sure do. If you grew up in a town or a city, you know that it was slow, but you do not know how slow it could truly be. I grew up on an acreage and when the internet first became a part of our household, we were unable to browse Google while simultaneously chatting on […]
Hi, I’m Danika, and if my name represents who I am as a person, then it represents my love for nostalgia, creativity, imagination, and aesthetics; so getting a tattoo, you could say, was inevitable for me. I remember the first time I saw a tattoo when I was very young. It was on my uncle Gordie’s forearm and I remember […]