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Life Is Funny Sometimes

03.23.22 • Lost My Job • Rebuilding My Blog • Job Hunting • Kitty Friend  

I was let go from my job a couple of weeks ago. I’m pretty devastated; it was the best job I have ever had. I think I’m going to miss that place for a long while yet…

It’s been weird to have so much time off, though. I can’t believe how fast the last couple of weeks have gone by! I’ve been using the time I’ve been granted to prepare my blog for a relaunch. I became so busy and exhausted that I neglected this little corner of the internet for far too long, and I never wanted to. I love it here, and that’s why I’ve been working so hard; I’ve been creating a plan to ensure that even if life gets busy, or I get tired, or defeated… I should still be able to keep up with what I have here. I’m so excited to get back into it… It’s been calling my name for so long. I hope you’re excited too!

I have to start applying for jobs. Ugh, I don’t want to… I don’t feel ready. I found a bunch of places on Indeed last week that I thought I might be interested in, and I sent the links to myself to have for later, but I haven’t sent out my resume yet. I know – in two weeks? Honestly, though, I can’t tell you how fast time has been going by. It’s starting to become crunch time though, I need to start applying at places soon. Between you and me – I wish I could just have a few months to work solely on my blog. I wish this could be my career, this place brings me so much joy! Maybe one day…

<img src=“https://www.danikasmemorybox.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Thirteen.png” alt=“black scottish fold cat” title=“thirteen snuggle buddy”>

I think the biggest perk might just be getting to snuggle my kitty all day!

She’s currently cozied up on my lap, purring softly… She’s so sweet.

03.24.22 • Twitter Milestone • Elephant Tattoo • What It Represents 

I reached 1000 followers on Twitter today!! That feels like an accomplishment after how hard I’ve been working at revamping my blog & attracting attention towards it. Made me feel like I’m actually doing something here!

I did get that elephant tattoo, by the way – if you remember the last time I wrote anything here! After months of waiting, I finally got an appointment booked for the end of last July! I can’t tell you how thrilled I was. Shae is an amazing artist – I can’t believe how beautifully my tattoo turned out. Despite the long wait periods, I would absolutely recommend her to anyone. She is extremely talented and wonderful to be around.

I might get more into it later, though just by poking around this website I think you’ll understand well enough – but the meaning of my tattoo is multi-faceted. My favorite animal is an elephant, the alive part of his face represents how much I value life and how I’m always eager to create the best version of it – the dead part represents all of the creepy and dark elements of my brain, as well as all of the darkness I’ve experienced, and the butterfly wings represent my imagination, which is the most important aspect of my personality in my opinion. A small image to capture a mountain of things! 

<img src=“https://www.danikasmemorybox.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Elephant-Tattoo.png” alt=“elephant butterfly tattoo ink by shae” title=“fineline realism tattoo elephant”>

03.25.22 • Wobble Stool • Balance Boards • My Desire to Skateboard  

I miss my wobble stool…

I had a wobble stool at work, and I can’t tell you how much I loved it! When I would find myself losing focus, I would just wobble around for a minute and I would find myself ready to get right back at whatever I was doing. I also found that my shoulders hurt a lot less at the end of the day – where before using it, I absent-mindedly slouched all day, and by the end of the day, my shoulders would be so sore… It was also a lot of fun; wiggling back and forth, seeing how far I could lean the stool, finding new positions… Honestly, I had way too much fun on it. I think I’ll have to invest in one in the future, it was great. 

On the note of active things that I would like to possess, man do I want a balance board! If you don’t know what those are, I recommend taking some time to look into them, they look like so much fun! Note: I don’t mean the active balance bubble-shaped things you stand on, though I bet that would be good for my feets – I tend to pull a muscle in my foot daily – I digress. I mean the boards that you place on a cylinder and roll back and forth on.

For weeks, I’ve been rabbit-holing videos of balance boards, and it gets me so excited! There’s so much to learn and it seems so thrilling. I want to do all of the tricks! I wonder how long it would take me to learn how to balance on one in the first place…

I’ve asked my boyfriend to make me one, so maybe one of these days when he feels so inspired, I can have one in my living room and start stationary-surfing. I can’t wait. It seems exhilarating.

Learning how to skateboard is something I’ve also always wanted to do, but I’ve lacked the confidence of going through the learning process and have witnesses to my struggles, so I theorize that maybe having a balance board could give me the boost I need to finally learn to skateboard too. The big plus is I could continue to balance board through the winter, which I think would help the getting-back-into-it process that I’m sure comes with every new summer. <img src=“https://www.danikasmemorybox.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Icon-Smaller-Other-Way.png” alt=“pigs fly here logo danikas memory box flying pig outline blue black pink” title=“pigs fly here”>

Anyway, that’s been my big dream lately. Balance boards. Big fun!

03.26.22 • Mother Nature • Prince of Egypt • The Future of my Website • 

Well, I don’t think summer is ever coming. It snowed last night, and I think that that is incredibly rude! The snow was melting yesterday, what gives?!

My boyfriend and I watched the Prince of Egypt last night. It has been a long, long time since I have seen that movie, and I can’t believe how vividly some of the scenes remained in my memory! Such a nostalgic experience… There’s a song at the end of it about believing in miracles, and I can not begin to describe how relieving it was to hear that song, for there have been many instances where snippets of that song danced through my mind, but the memory of the song was incomplete – and I couldn’t place where I knew it from for years! I could scarcely remember any lyrics, so hearing that song in the movie last night felt like a rush of enlightenment!

I was introduced to that movie in the first place when my babysitter brought it over for my sister and me as a gift. My babysitter was rather religious, and I didn’t grow up in a religious home, and my babysitter would always find new ways of introducing my sister and me to the bible. She bought me a “mini” children’s version of the bible – loosely – filled with some of the more popular tales from the Bible, and beautiful illustrations to keep a child’s attention, she introduced my sister and me to Veggie Tales – which I’m very glad about because that show is top-shelf quality, and she would occasionally take my sister and me on “trips” to youth groups, where we would participate in arts and crafts and such. I remember it feeling really comforting when she would stay at my bedside and pray for me whenever I suddenly awoke from a nightmare. I always thought it was cool that despite Jesus not being a regular part of our household, my parents allowed my babysitter to teach us about her religion and allowed my sister and me to explore the possibilities of it. It was a cool opportunity to be provided all of the information necessary, and the independence to make up our own minds about what we wanted to believe. Maybe that experience is part of the reason why my values are the way that they are…

Thank you for engaging with my first post in a long time! For a little while yet, these types of posts will be the only new updates on my website, but Two Minute Reads will follow soon after, and I will sprinkle in some of the content you’ve grown accustomed to here every once in a while. I hope you stay for the journey. I’m so happy to be back. Until next week, friends!

I'm so glad Danika is back! Share on X

While you’re here, why don’t you stay a while and take a look around? Perhaps you would like to read a deeper post about my life, or maybe you’d like to dive into a more complicated subject that will inspire you to ponder, or just maybe – you fancy a fictional read. Whatever your poison, I’m sure you’ll find something for you here, there’s lots to explore!

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6 thoughts on “Life Is Funny Sometimes

  1. Davon

    Glad to have you back!

    1. Danika

      Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how good it feels. Wait til you see all that I have in store!

  2. Diana Mai

    Hi Danika, great to see you are back. Always enjoy your writings. Thanks for being you.

    1. Danika

      Oh, I’m so happy to see that you’re here! Thank you so much! ♡ I have so many things that I am so exited to share…

  3. Greg Johnson

    I missed your musings, stories and tales. I am glad that you had your babysitter to introduce your childhood to a spirituality. For me it was “Sunday School “ through my growing up. It has served me well. Welcome back! ❤️

    1. Danika

      I missed sharing them too! I think I need to hear more stories from you about Sunday School…

      Thank you so much! Happy to be back. 🥰

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