Flip Your Phone Around
Today, the first time someone sparks a conversation with you while you are perusing your phone, I want you to try this experiment:
When they first acknowledge you, respond how you naturally would. Maybe that looks like glancing up from your phone and holding it, still, in your hand, or placing it beside you, or maybe putting it in your pocket. Allow your normal response to linger for a few moments.
Then, as the conversation continues, I want you to mindfully place your phone somewhere between you – somewhere in their line of vision, and after a few seconds of allowing your phone to rest there, I want you to reach for it again. This time, I want you to flip your phone over so it’s face-down, and as you do so, maintain eye contact and engagement with the person you’re speaking to.
For the entire duration of the remaining conversation, I want you to do two things:
Never glance at your phone. Not even for a fraction of a second.
Avoid touching your phone at all, unless it is to silence an ongoing notification, but keep your phone facing screen-side down from where it rests in front of you.
See whether the conversation feels different. Notice their body language, and whether it shifts. Notice how they embrace you.
That’s the challenge today.
Pigs Fly Here.
I will sacrifice the cyber life & engage more fully in reality today. Share on XFind exclusive deep dives about one Two Minute Read a week on Friday evenings here!
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