two minute read
Two Minute Reads Danika 346 views

Make a Stranger Feel Good

Today’s challenge is to go out of your way to make a stranger feel good. You can decide what that looks like for you; whether you want to leave your waitress an exceptional tip, pass a note of kind words off to a passer-by, or pay a compliment, maybe offer a favor…

Here’s the thing though:

You get bonus points if, whatever you choose to do – you find a way of doing it anonymously. See if you can get away with having the stranger you do something kind for never knowing that it was you who gave them the gift of kindness.

Hell, see how long you can go without telling anyone about your anonymous good deed. 

Think about how you want to execute today’s challenge for as long as you need, but by the end of the day, I want you to have done something for someone you don’t know. 

See how many elements of this challenge you can accept.

See how you feel about it after it’s over.


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2 thoughts on “Make a Stranger Feel Good

  1. Greg Johnson

    Love it! The best kind deed is never told, including to the recipient. When that opportunity presents, don’t congratulate yourself, don’t consider it good Karma, just let it be, forever. Leave it a pure because.

    1. Danika

      Thank you so much! I absolutely agree. I think it is such a tremendously valuable thing.

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