two minute read
Two Minute Reads Danika 502 views

Engage Your Senses

Let’s take a moment away from your buzzing thoughts, endless mindless scrolling, or cluttered atmosphere before your return. Place the world on pause with me – I won’t take much of your time.

Listen closely to the space around you – find the quietest, subtle sound that exists. Let it captivate your attention for a minute. Are you able to identify where that sound is coming from? What does it sound like? Is it melodic or static? Let your imagination tell you what that sound could remind you of. What does the world around that reminder look like?

Reach for something that looks delightful to touch. Give your fingertips the chance to learn about it. What is its texture like? Is it soft, smooth, bumpy, rough, squishy, sticky? If you could form that texture to take any shape, what shape would it be? Would it fit in the palm of your hand, or would you be able to nest in it? What is the temperature? Does it make you feel cozy or alert?

Look around you, and find something that captures your gaze. What draws you to it? Does it call to your personality, your memories, your ideas? What color is it? What would it feel like to hold? Does it make a sound? Carefully trace the shape of it with the movement of your eyes – go slowly. Close your eyes and picture it. How much detail have you captured in your mind?

Take a deep inhale – what do you smell? Is the smell potent or subtle, delightful or off-putting? Does the smell remind you of anything? Perhaps, it will trigger a memory. Focus only on that scent and see where it takes you.

What is available for you to taste? Do you have a coffee, maybe a snack to dance on your tastebuds? Maybe a piece of gum, or the ChapStick on your lips. Maybe you still have the reminiscence of a taste still floating on your tongue – perhaps from the last sip of your drink, or the crumbs you have licked from your fingertips. Maybe the metal of your braces, or the glass of your empty cup. Maybe there’s no flavor in your mouth at all – but can you imagine one? Picture vanilla, or maybe cinnamon or peppermint, can you taste it? See how vivid you can make that flavor become – just by envisioning it. What texture does this flavor have? Is it subtle, or is it bright on your tongue?

You may carry on with whatever you have to do next, that’s all for now. I just thought you might like to check in with yourself.


Pigs Fly Here.

I have seen, heard, smelled, tasted & felt. Your turn! Share on X

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