treat others the way you want to be treated
Thoughts & Ponders Danika 5795 views

Do Unto Others

Boy oh boy do I ever feel like we need to broaden our understanding of the phrase, “treat others the way you want to be treated,” – or whatever rendition of that idea that you’re most familiar with. Too often, the representation is skewed, and it is used as a manipulation tactic instead of a powerful value to adhere to.

Of all the ways the phrase has been put, it has never been, “Treat others how you want them to treat you and expect them behave exactly as your example led.” If you think the phrase implies a guarantee for how you will be treated as a result, then you have misunderstood its purpose.

In order to connect with people, they shouldn’t have to fit into a mould that you’ve created to be worthy of your time. When a person paints a picture, they often begin with the broad strokes of the overall image before they go in with a fine brush to perfect the little details. Treating people well is the broad strokes, not the details. Offering kindness is a broad stroke; replying promptly to a text is a detail. For example:

“I did this for you, so you should do this for me” is a format of speaking that should be made obsolete. You are not owed for your services, no matter how generous or grandiose they may have been. When you behave in this manner, you make people uncomfortable and you will drive them away from you. A person shouldn’t feel like they must meet a certain set of requirements in order to gain your approval. This should be stressed: we are individuals. That means that someone else’s moral code and understanding of goodness and kind nature is going to be different than your own. This also means that someone else may not be capable (whether it be emotionally, financially, or otherwise) of demonstrating the same genre of kindness that you have offered to them. Fundamentally, this is why expectations will not work.

This demonstration of the phrase can be misleading, too. Often, I have seen people behave in a way that wouldn’t normally come naturally to them, simply because they were trying to produce a specific response from someone else. This is dangerous and dishonest. You should consistently behave in a way that is true to yourself and you should first treat yourself the way you want to be treated, too. Ultimately, everything outside of you is outside of your own control. The only person you should ever allow yourself to try and change is you, and the best way to receive positive affirmation from those around you is by implicating that positive change within yourself.

The emphasis on the phrase is here:

Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Not here:

“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

There is not, nor should there ever be any subtext within that phrase. It should be plain, transparent, and genuine. You should treat others with kindness because you want to be kind to them, because you’re excited to be. Your desire to be kind should be regardless of the potential outcome.

There is a hidden clause within that phrase. It does not look like this:

“Treat others the way you want [and expect] to be treated”

But it does look like this:

“Treat others the way you want to be treated, [but understand that they will ultimately treat you in the way they believe you deserve.]”

There are two variables that can deter someone from offering you kindness: either you are not representing yourself in a way that is honest, courteous, and understanding, or they have otherwise decided that you’re not worth the gesture. The best way to tell which circumstance is at hand is through internal reflection. If you’ve valued the phrase correctly and the graces you’ve served them with are not intended (in any way) to have self-serving results, and their withholding of kindness towards you is spiteful, then they’re not worth your time. Simple. Just be diligent in ensuring it isn’t the first variable.

I’m tired of this phrase meaning “I’m aiming to make you feel obligated to behave in a way that pleases me.” Help me make it mean, “I want to be kind. I think you deserve it and I’m excited to extend it to you.”

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8 thoughts on “Do Unto Others

  1. Greg Johnson

    I couldn’t agree with your interpretation more. The root of that phrase is from the Bible, often referred to as “The Golden Rule”.
    Mathew 7:12- Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
    The intended meaning, treat others as that with which you would consider to be a great way for them to treat you.

    1. Danika

      Yes, of course, it comes from the Bible. 😇 A valuable thing to understand & utilize. (Regardless of religious belief.)

  2. Ocean

    This is perfect is every way! I feel you are %100 accurate and I do believe people should not put so much trust in other people. Very good interpitaion and I agree!! So if your nice to someone.. and you have done nothing wrong to them but they choose not to like you because of something that happened between you and someone else… to heck with them. Your energies dont match anyway in this case!

    1. Danika

      Absolutely! ♡ I’m so glad you enjoyed reading this. I think it’s such an important thing to recognize – & you are totally correct.

  3. Davon

    I’m just here for the adorable teddy bear photos.

    (Jk lovely read)

    1. Danika

      😂 They’re giving each other presents! ♡

  4. Uncle Don

    So, to echo Davon, Oh my God the Bears are awesome…. OK, so the emessage, honestly this hits so home for me. In ways I won’t get into right now, but lets say this is a timely message. Your short little stories somehow seem to hit home for me so often, sometimes wonder if you have taken a holiday in my brain, had to fix that because I actually typed Brian… LOL, seriously, who is this Brian and why is e interferring in my message…. Anyway, I have always tried my hardest to always do what I can for people, sometimes to a fault, maybe more than sometimes actually. My heart gets in the way alot. I actually don’t ever expect people to treat me as well as I may treat them, it is just I can’t treat people poorly, it just isn’t in me. Thanks for this post today, just so you know, sometimes your message is timed perfectly… Love you my Neice, you make me so proud……..

    1. Danika

      Haha, I’m glad the teddy bear pictures were a hit!
      I hope that this message was timely in a good way, and if so, I’m glad things worked out the way they did.
      Kindness is a good quality – own it. ♡

      Thank you so much!!

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