Category: Warm & Fuzzies

Need a feel-good pick-me-up? Great, you’re in the right place. Pick the one that calls out to you & enjoy!

birthdays are important Warm & Fuzzies

Birthdays Are Important.

It’s my birthday tomorrow and so I thought this was a good opportunity for me to explain why I hold birthdays in such high regard. I have seen a lot of negative lenses that people view birthdays through: “It’s just another day, it’s not special.”“It’s just a reminder that I’m getting old.” “One year closer to death!” To name a […]

Danika3850 views
It Gets Better...
valentine's day Warm & Fuzzies

It’s Okay To Be Single On Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner once again. There are whole sections of stores dedicated to heart-shaped pillows, stuffed animals, cards, and chocolate; the ads online and in media are urging us to get a special something for our loved ones, and opinions on Valentine’s day are flooding our timelines. That’s what I think makes Valentine’s day the most […]

Danika3397 views
It Gets Better...
hindsight is 2020 Warm & Fuzzies

I Will Not Fail My New Years Resolution.

Ahhh, it’s that time again. A count down at midnight will transition us all into a brand-new year. With that, as we have many times before, many of us will make large and foolish promises to ourselves that we intend to keep for the next three hundred and sixty-five days. Most of us will not be able to keep the […]

Danika5621 views
It Gets Better...
black scottish fold cat thirteen Warm & Fuzzies

Captive in a COVID Christmasland

This year has been tremendously weighing on us, and with Christmas right around the next corner, many of us are feeling the strain more detrimentally now than at any other point of this year. Some of us are worried about not being able to see our friends and family, all our loved ones on Christmas of all days! It seems […]

Danika7206 views
It Gets Better...
relationship Warm & Fuzzies

A Year In Love, (& A Sappy Title.)

Today marks the first-year anniversary of my relationship and so today, I would really like to talk about how wonderful this last year has been for me – pandemic aside. I suppose the best place to begin is with our beginning. I’ve known Corey for years; we attended the same schools and he was a grade above me. His sister […]

Danika6232 views
It Gets Better...