Category: Thoughts & Ponders

Do you enjoy rabbit-hole journeys through complex subjects? Do you wish to build the best version of yourself? If you answered yes to either question, these reads may be just for you!

magic pink pony Thoughts & Ponders

Practice Being Happy

We are often told to be happy, but we are never told how to go about it. “Just choose to” is something that is said commonly, and it makes it sound like the choice to be happy is like flicking a switch. If you have lived for any amount of time, you know that just is not the case. It […]

Danika9484 views
It Gets Better...
mini australian shepherd Thoughts & Ponders

You’re Selfish.

My dad has taught me some of the most interesting lessons and morals in my lifetime, and on occasion, a select few of them will come back to me like they are on a roster in my brain, peering their little heads from time-to-time to remind me of Dad’s thoughts and wisdom. Yesterday afternoon was the last time one of […]

Danika2511 views
It Gets Better...