Category: Thoughts & Ponders

Do you enjoy rabbit-hole journeys through complex subjects? Do you wish to build the best version of yourself? If you answered yes to either question, these reads may be just for you!

manipulation, gaslighting, sadness, depression, toxic Thoughts & Ponders

Master Manipulation

The people with the most power to hurt us are the people we care about.   That’s scary, isn’t it?  That isn’t to say that people we don’t care about – or don’t know – are not able to hurt us. It’s sometimes aggravating to endure a stranger’s hateful comment on social media, and it’s unsettling to be confronted by threats […]

Danika2624 views
It Gets Better...
immature danikas memory box Thoughts & Ponders

Im • Mature

Immaturity is one of those things we treat as a category; a way to define someone as a whole. It is used as an encompassing insult and implies condescension and belittlement. We recognize immaturity as a lack of growth, and what baffles me is typically, we assume that lack of growth is permanent when we describe it as immaturity. We […]

Danika2684 views
It Gets Better...
give abusers a safe space banner danikas memory box Thoughts & Ponders

Give Abusers A Safe Space

Shame creates Silence Confrontation creates Denial Punishment creates Secrecy I want to see a reduction in the amount of people being abused. I think that is a statement widely agreed upon. I do not believe we are creating an environment that will lessen the volume of abuse in the future. From where I stand, I see an enormous blind spot, […]

Danika2744 views
It Gets Better...
jaded judgement banner danika's memory box Thoughts & Ponders

Jaded Judgement.

In my last post, I mentioned that the idea I spoke about could branch off towards a number of different things I would like to discuss here, and today I’m going to talk about one of those things. No, this one does not come with a personal traumatic story, you can relax. Today, I want to talk about how sometimes, […]

Danika4011 views
It Gets Better...
i'm not the bad guy Thoughts & Ponders

I’m Not The Bad Guy.

This week’s subject is something I have been meaning to discuss here for a while. The subject matter is something I have learned that has wound up being tremendously valuable to me and has turned my entire world view on its head. I have been avoiding talking about this until now because in order to get to the meat of […]

Danika4482 views
It Gets Better...