
100 Articles

other content, danika's memory box, pigs fly here Miscellaneous Treasures

Runny Nose

I had a runny nose once.When it began it was abrupt, butFor a week, maybe longer, it lingered.It was intrusive and gross and it filled my face,As does a runny nose.And I went through a lot of tissue.It muted my senses;I couldn’t taste or feel or smell the way that I normally could.I couldn’t speak as fluidly.I couldn’t move around […]

Danika1643 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Practice What You’ve Been Neglecting

Do you have something in your life that you’re supposed to regularly practice? Maybe an instrument, a sport, a skill… Have you been maintaining a regular practice routine? If you haven’t, don’t worry – me too. It can be difficult to find the time, energy, or discipline to keep up with the practice you’re supposed to do. Let today be […]

Danika809 views
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danika's memory box weekly updates What Am I Up To?

Memorable Moments

05.03.22 • Getting Yelled At • Visiting Friends • Burger King • Last week, I forgot to mention that I was yelled at by a stranger on Friday after work! I drove all the way home, and when I got to the street our house is on, I noticed that it was totally baron – void of any vehicles. Context […]

Danika1585 views
It Gets Better...
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Tiny Gratitude

I want to talk about what you’re grateful for today. Hang on – I want to be more specific…  If you’ve already had something significant and wonderful that happened today that immediately came to mind when you read the first sentence, I don’t want that thing to be your answer. If you feel you have nothing yet to be grateful […]

Danika531 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Do What You Can Today

What did you tell yourself yesterday that you would do today? Did you promise too much? Do you feel overwhelmed by it, and perhaps – is it burdening you from starting? That’s okay. We’re often far too ambitious when we don’t have to do something right now. It’s easy to pile too much on when we don’t have to get […]

Danika467 views
It Gets Better...
two minute read Two Minute Reads

Challenge An Opinion

Today, I would like for you to challenge an opinion you stand rigidly in. Whether it be personal, political, religious, or social, I want you to choose a belief or a value you hold firmly, and I want you to play the devil’s advocate, and debate yourself on whatever it may be. You can choose to research the opposing perspective or […]

Danika536 views
It Gets Better...