
100 Articles

mini australian shepherd Thoughts & Ponders

You’re Selfish.

My dad has taught me some of the most interesting lessons and morals in my lifetime, and on occasion, a select few of them will come back to me like they are on a roster in my brain, peering their little heads from time-to-time to remind me of Dad’s thoughts and wisdom. Yesterday afternoon was the last time one of […]

Danika2511 views
It Gets Better...
toyota celica Story Time!

I Wrote Off Four Cars in Three Years

Today, we are gonna take a minute to look back on my driving history and laugh at my expense. My friends like to poke fun at me and say that I am a bad driver because of the trail of crumpled aluminum I have left behind me, but – while I know I am no Danica Patrick, if you pay […]

Danika3958 views
It Gets Better...
keyboard Story Time!

My Favorite Youtuber

Remember dial-up internet? I sure do. If you grew up in a town or a city, you know that it was slow, but you do not know how slow it could truly be. I grew up on an acreage and when the internet first became a part of our household, we were unable to browse Google while simultaneously chatting on […]

Danika3931 views
It Gets Better...