
100 Articles

birthdays are important Warm & Fuzzies

Birthdays Are Important.

It’s my birthday tomorrow and so I thought this was a good opportunity for me to explain why I hold birthdays in such high regard. I have seen a lot of negative lenses that people view birthdays through: “It’s just another day, it’s not special.”“It’s just a reminder that I’m getting old.” “One year closer to death!” To name a […]

Danika3853 views
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short fiction story danika's memory box Short Stories

Roses & Violets

February 14, 1958Dear Vivian, Roses are red,Violets are blueSugar, don’t you knowHow much I love you With Love,Phillip February 14, 1959Dear Vivian, Roses are red,Violets are blue.Another year’s passed…Still, my love remains true. With Love,Phillip February 14, 1960Dear Vivian, Roses are red,Violets are blue.Cupid aimed for my heart,And struck an arrow straight through. With Love,Phillip February 14, 1961Dear Vivian, Last […]

Danika5785 views
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valentine's day Warm & Fuzzies

It’s Okay To Be Single On Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner once again. There are whole sections of stores dedicated to heart-shaped pillows, stuffed animals, cards, and chocolate; the ads online and in media are urging us to get a special something for our loved ones, and opinions on Valentine’s day are flooding our timelines. That’s what I think makes Valentine’s day the most […]

Danika3403 views
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treat others the way you want to be treated Thoughts & Ponders

Do Unto Others

Boy oh boy do I ever feel like we need to broaden our understanding of the phrase, “treat others the way you want to be treated,” – or whatever rendition of that idea that you’re most familiar with. Too often, the representation is skewed, and it is used as a manipulation tactic instead of a powerful value to adhere to. […]

Danika5798 views
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advice column danika's memory box Dear Danika,

How Do I Make A Friend?

Dear Danika, I have been wondering what your opinion is on the best way to make new friends. I have been struggling most of my life in the friends department; I have mostly just been a loner with no close friends. Working on myself has been my main goal for the past few years, and I think I am now […]

Danika2652 views
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peer pressure Thoughts & Ponders

I Don’t Give Into Peer Pressure

Hop into my time machine for a second, I’ll dust off the seat for you. Let’s go back to middle school for a moment. I know, universally the worst period of time to return to, but bear with me. You’re sitting in a horribly uncomfortable plastic chair. Your desk is crumbling at the corners with profanities carved in at the […]

Danika8904 views
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