
100 Articles

pigs fly here introduction page Introduction

About My Website…

Website Info & Navigation Video Legal Pages Website Info & Navigation Blog: (Found under “Home” from the Menu at the top of the page) I write deep posts that usually consist of stories from my personal life or thoughts and ponders I have to live better. I’ve categorized my posts for your convenience, so if one type intrigues you more […]

Danika1107 views
It Gets Better...
short fiction story danika's memory box Short Stories

Living With Janet

“That’s enough, Janet!” I hollered. My throat hurt from screaming. “Murray!” Her shrill voice shot back. I loved her. I truly did – I always have, but living in isolation with her was more than I could bear. She just kept nagging. It never stopped. A constant stream of things I did wrong or tasks I’d forgotten fell from her […]

Danika5157 views
It Gets Better...
immature danikas memory box Thoughts & Ponders

Im • Mature

Immaturity is one of those things we treat as a category; a way to define someone as a whole. It is used as an encompassing insult and implies condescension and belittlement. We recognize immaturity as a lack of growth, and what baffles me is typically, we assume that lack of growth is permanent when we describe it as immaturity. We […]

Danika2687 views
It Gets Better...
give abusers a safe space banner danikas memory box Thoughts & Ponders

Give Abusers A Safe Space

Shame creates Silence Confrontation creates Denial Punishment creates Secrecy I want to see a reduction in the amount of people being abused. I think that is a statement widely agreed upon. I do not believe we are creating an environment that will lessen the volume of abuse in the future. From where I stand, I see an enormous blind spot, […]

Danika2747 views
It Gets Better...
danika's memory box weekly updates What Am I Up To?

What’s Going On Now?

In March, I wrote my first ever post keeping up with my day to day life. I enjoyed writing it quite a bit and in that post, I mentioned it’s something I would like to continue to do going forward. Today, I’ve decided enough has happened in my life to write about my experiences again! So, what have I been […]

Danika986 views
It Gets Better...
jaded judgement banner danika's memory box Thoughts & Ponders

Jaded Judgement.

In my last post, I mentioned that the idea I spoke about could branch off towards a number of different things I would like to discuss here, and today I’m going to talk about one of those things. No, this one does not come with a personal traumatic story, you can relax. Today, I want to talk about how sometimes, […]

Danika4014 views
It Gets Better...