Ask Yourself Why
The very first time you reject something today, whether it be an idea, a favor, someone’s appearance, or a food item, ask yourself why.
Keep asking why until you get to the very root of it. Dissect the question as far into the rabbit hole as you are possibly able to travel!
Ask yourself what about it you don’t like, and then ask why you don’t like that thing about it.
Ask yourself what it makes you feel – try and identify the emotion attached, and then figure out why it creates that emotion inside of you.
Ask yourself if it reminds you of anything and if the reminder has any correlation with your rejection.
Once you figure out exactly why you don’t like something, ask yourself why that reason matters.
See how far you can take it! Once you think you’ve found the bottom of the tunnel, see if you can find a way to keep digging.
After you cannot travel any further, look back at the root cause – the instinct reaction you had before you began tunneling, and see whether you still feel the same as you did in the first place.
Then, if you’re up for it, do it all again!
Pigs Fly Here.
I wonder where asking why will lead... #pigsflyhere
Thanks so much for this, it’s a really helpful tool to have.
Absolutely it is. Thank you!
I have always been the one that questions and tries to get to the root cause of most things…be it circumstances in life, an illness that my patient has, or simply the history behind the creation of a recipe. Hence, loved your thought here and totally agree with you!
Oh, that is so wonderful to hear, thank you! I’m glad you happen to do this already, I believe it is so valuable.
I love this, finding our “why” is so important! I particularly like the idea of following the whys to understand why I rejected something, I’m sure there’s a lot to learn about myself in that process.
Your post reminded me of an exercise my partner’s first boss took his employees through whenever they made a mistake. He called it the “Five Whys” and, literally, you just ask the question “Why?” five times until you understand the root cause of the mistake (hint: it’s usually insufficient training, a bad system, or a misunderstanding!).
Great post, thank you for sharing!
Thank you very much!! That “Five Why’s” exercise sounds excellent – and right on par with this. Thank you for sharing! I hope you visit here again soon 🙂
I read something like this before but brushed it off. I’m glad I read it again, I will give this a try- this would be beneficial to my thought process.
It is very important to be introspective and ask the questions that need to be asked.
Asking yourself why and keep going with asking it is so damn courageous. I do it sometimes and I don’t like the outcome as it is hard to accept the truth, but I’m learning to let go and accept it as a growing journey. Love the article!
Tammi Kaeberlein
Very interesting experience! Usually I can easily identify my whys, but I think the more difficult ones are even more important to answer. Great post, thanks!
One of my favourite things to tell people when they are thinking of boing into business- or in fact any major life decision!
female hiker
love this, a really good tool to use!
Such a great reminder to reflect, its so important and great motivator to remember to carry on doing what you love
Great reminder! I forget sometimes to keep digging and get to the root. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Such a great idea! This is really helpful for people struggling with a decision.