4 thoughts on “Reviving A Zombie [Part 2]

  1. Greg Johnson

    I hope it’s soon that you find a magic remedy. A good night’s sleep is just the best state of mind, and where we physically and mentally float with ease. Where all troubles come with quicker solutions.
    I have a sense that a specific diet may target and destroy your sleeplessness. Maybe it includes potassium and magnesium from bananas and almonds. I hope it is not a prescription solution although I appreciate that this may be decided as a best beginning.
    Sleep is massively vital. I have dealt with insomnia for much shorter periods than you. It’s the worst. I am also most alive at night but these days I have found a harmony that has me out for the count all night. Deep and gone. I want you to find that too! Soon!! ❤️

    1. Danika

      I’ve had a lot of people wonder if diet could help – including myself, but I have gone through long periods of time of eating healthy and eliminating certain things from my diet, so I’m not sure that will be it. I also hope I don’t end up with sleeping pills though, or at least, that I don’t have to rely on them long-term. Baby steps… I can’t wait to read the end of the story, I think I’m looking forward to it the most!

      1. Greg Johnson

        Agreed! I look forward to the end of the story too! ❤️

  2. ProjectGirl2Woman

    You worry a lot. That’s what I thought first when I read this post ^^’ And you put a lot of pressure on yourself and on sleep. I can feel your stress about sleeping or not sleeping all the way to Korea. It sounds like at nighttime you are full of energy and ideas (since I also blog I am pretty sure you also have an endless want to-do list). And next, you have to go to bed. I tell you what I’d try. I would work right after waking up and max. till 7 pm. Maybe end the “workday” by organizing your tasks for the next day. Clear structures help me worry less. Clean in the evening (again helps me destress). Do some Yoga to get rid of that extra energy (your boyfriend might help too). Go to bed at 10 pm. (Little kids become hyperactive when they stay up too long I feel like that applies to adults too) No technology in your room and one hour before bedtime. The room has to be really dark (no TV light). Your goal at 10 pm shouldn’t be to sleep but to relax. Just enjoy laying on your bed. Focus on your body and how it feels. (No Phone, no music) Feel the stress drain away. You can meditate, practice self-hypnosis, and do breathing exercises. If you can’t sleep within an hour or two get back up. Don’t stress about not sleeping and try again in an hour or the next day. You can go to bed even sooner and read a book. I also like Greg’s idea. When I eat heavy meals before bedtime I can never sleep well. (PS.: I am pretty much in the same situation as you being laid off has made me more productive and less stressed, I just stay up late for my bf even though I am a morning person now) I once was a late-night person too. 😉 Things can change.

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